Years experience in business automation
System users worked at Sajaya ERP
Daily transactions being processed by Sajaya
Countries where Sajaya is successfully implemented

Ziad Abu Ayshih
Servtech Co.
With Sajaya ERP, we’ve been able to improve our entire business. I’m very pleased and happy with Sajaya’s team business understanding capabilities. Simply, I can administer and monitor my company operations with a dynamic Dashboard with my KPIs.

Ahmed Al Meheni
Spectra Support Services – Mahara Human Resources Company
We’ve shopped around extensively for long-term partnership supplier to provide reliable, tested, approved and integrated Enterprise Resources Planning system. We made the right decision by choosing Sajaya because they care about our satisfaction as well as our business growth, and reliability.

Obadah Al-Halabi
Al-Dhabaan Group
Thank you sajaya for supporting our group of companies with such solution, Allowing us to have a full management over our subsidiaries in deferent sectors (trading, education, services, and other sectors) through building an intelligent dashboard for each user in each company, which enable us to have an advance control for all of our resources in Dhaba’an Group.

Eng. Muhannad Abu Baker
Ideal Control
Sajaya ERP system is really stable and matured; since early 2015 we haven’t raised any support call as we were able to customize our reports, alerts and business workflow. Thank you Sajaya, the way you manage your projects are really impressive.
Call us:
+962 6 5532981 (JO)
+966 9 20010186 (KSA)
Email us:
Head Quarter:
Amman, Jordan PO Box: 2823 Postal Code: 11953
Riyadh Office:
Riyadh, KSA Al Takhasusi St.Business Complex